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Tullaroop Reservoir

Project update: February 2025

The Victorian Fisheries Authority’s Better Boating team is progressing designs for future upgrades at Tullaroop Reservoir.

In 2018, the Victorian Government committed to growing participation in fishing and boating under their ‘Target One Million’ plan. Under this plan, the Victorian Fisheries Authority committed to allow boats and kayaks with electric motors on some reservoirs, including Tullaroop.  

Anglers are able to keep their petrol motor/outboards bolted to the boat, but are only permitted to use an electric motor.

A gravel boat ramp opened in May 2019, and since then, the facility has proven to be very popular with boaters. The existing gravel ramp is prone to erosion caused by wave action and changes to water levels.  

This project is pending funding availability.  

The upgrades to Tullaroop boat ramp will include: 

  • A precast single-lane concrete boat ramp with improved chevron grooves to increase traction (approx. 60m in length). 
  • Boat ramp crest to extend above reservoir to provide 0.5m minimum vertical height to high water. 
  • Re-sheeted access track off Rodborough Rd. 
  • Compliance with the Victorian Boat Facility Design Guidelines.

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