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Werribee South

Planning for the Werribee South Boat Ramp upgrade project has been underway since 2021, with initial concept designs being presented to the community in March 2021. 

Marine and Coastal Act consent for the construction works has been gained, with town planning approval anticipated for early 2025. 

The upgrade will include the following: 

  • Adding a new ramp lane, taking the total at the facility to 7 
  • The extension and realignment of existing pontoons 
  • Provision of all-abilities access 
  • The reconfiguration of both formal and informal parking areas to create more rigging and tie down spaces, while also improving traffic flow and congestion issues 

What has changed since the concept design? 

With construction anticipated to commence mid-2025, a small number of design changes from the initial concept design are required to achieve the upgrade within the available budget. The significant increase in material and labour costs, combined with unforeseen design changes has meant that minor changes have occurred to the final design from what was originally presented to the community. 

To combat these cost increases, design changes have been implemented including: 

  • Reducing the width of the new pontoons  
  • The eastern ramp grade will be left as is 
  • The non-powered ramp will not be built, however with the addition of the new ramp, the original eastern ramp will be suitable for non-powered craft 

The upgrade is funded from the Better Boating Fund which is made up of revenue from boating license and registration fees. BBV is conscious of achieving value for money when taking from this fund. While the cost increases over the course of the design have been significant, BBV has worked closely with engineers to amend the design, while prioritising the key areas of the facility that require upgrade: reconfiguration of the carpark and the addition of a new ramp.  

BBV continues to work in partnership with Wyndham City Council throughout the upgrade project and any grant applications for future facility improvements. 

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