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St Leonards

Project update: Thursday 6 February

St Leonards boat ramp has been upgraded with its jetty completely rebuilt, thanks to your boating licence and registration fees.

We’re now into the second week of remedial work at St Leonards and things are progressing well.

Crews are on site removing geotextile and concrete matting, following feedback from boaters, and dredging is also being undertaken via excavator to clear away excess sand.

Two ramp lanes remain open, with the northern side of the jetty now accessible again. Crews have closed the southern ramp lanes and are pulling up matting at the toe of the ramp.

The dredging has been tackled by the Contractor on behalf of Bellarine Bayside as part of their regular maintenance program to reinstate the usual depth at the ramp and clear away some large rocks.

With good weather, we’re expecting the work should be done early in the week of Monday, 17 February.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we make sure everyone can enjoy the benefits of the new jetty at St Leonards.

The end T-section is now twice as wide at 40 metres across, with wave screens added to provide protection from northerly and easterly winds and wave action. 

The screens across the end of the T-shaped jetty are made of reinforced concrete, while those on the long section extending out from the ramp are made of super strong high-density plastic with a metal backing.

A new non-slip deck, additional rubber fenders, cleats to tie ropes to and solar lighting are also in place to make it easy to head out night or day and to protect your pride and joy.

A new accessible gangway and lower landing on the northern side will make boarding vessels easier for people of all ability levels, with stairs leading to another lower landing on the opposite side of the structure.

Early 2025 will see a hoist added to the accessible pontoon, seating installed on the jetty and minor concreting works, but ramp access is expected to be maintained.

We’re continuing to work on designs for future boat ramp upgrades at St Leonards to expand capacity and increase efficiency, subject to funding.

To help plan your trip you can view conditions at St Leonards before you leave home via the Boating Vic app and at www.boating.vic.gov.au 

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