The Victorian Government has made getting out on the water a whole lot easier at Lake Buffalo, thanks to the completion of the boat ramp upgrade.
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Minister for Fishing and Boating Sonya Kilkenny said the upgrade forms part of the Victorian Government’s $33 million Better Boating Fund to make boating facilities safer and more accessible.
The $250,000 project included formalising parking and boat preparation areas near the boat ramp to reduce queueing and make parking trailers easier. Existing dirt parking areas saw compacted gravel laid down to make them easier to access in all conditions.
Additional works included reinforcing the foreshore area around the boat ramp to allow for temporary mooring and reduce the impacts of erosion, while the connection between the boat launching area and the top of the ramp was also improved to make it easier to reverse trailers down the ramp when launching or retrieving boats.
Better Boating Victoria (BBV) worked with facility managers to progress the project, with the works managed by Goulburn-Murray Water.
Lake Buffalo is in the heart of Victoria’s High Country at the foot of Mount Buffalo, about a 20-minute drive from Myrtleford. It offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains as well as fishing thanks to stocking from the Victorian Fisheries Authority and enough space for families to ski or tow a donut.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Fishing and Boating Sonya Kilkenny
“Lake Buffalo is a popular spot to fish, ski or simply go for a cruise – so it’s great to see this upgrade complete to make it easier to get on the water with family, friends and loved ones.”
“Formalised parking areas, a better access road and protecting the boat ramp from erosion will all make Lake Buffalo a go-to destination for boaters in the state’s north-east.”
Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes
“North-east Victoria is renowned for offering great outdoor recreation opportunities and boating and fishing at the hidden gem that is Lake Buffalo, these will now be better than ever thanks to this project.”
We’re committed to improving the boating experience across Victoria.
View Ramp Upgrades